View User Details

The view user details task allows you to view and edit the details of any user.

Select the user and click View User Details in the tasks list. Alternatively, double-click on a user in the workspace.

The details are displayed in seven tabs:

User Details

The user details tab contains user details including their user name, name, company information and location.

Contact Information

The contact information provides contact details about the user.

User Accounts

The User Accounts tab shows the user accounts that have been mapped to this account. This is read only. User accounts are mapped in the User Mapping tab in the data cleanse workspace.

Primary Devices

The primary devices tab displays all devices where the user is marked as a primary user of the device. This is read only.

Data Origins

The data origins tab shows a history of imported data for each software discovery tool that has identified this user. This is read only.

Additional Information

The additional information tab contains user specified fields that can be completed as required. The user specified fields are defined in the Application Settings.


Use the rich text editor to add notes to the user account. Click the Stamp button to add a time stamp to your notes.